Grow - HSBC business products & solutions

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Working capital solutions

Manage cash and trade flows more efficiently. Whether your goal for improving working capital is to self-fund growth, reduce debt, expand your business reach or enhance your balance sheet – the key to success is gaining more control over cash flows.
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Growth export finance solutions

Gain more control over exports, improve cashflow and manage risks associated with international trade more effectively using HSBC’s export finance facilities. With a significant presence in local markets around the world, our trade specialists have the in-depth knowledge to help you assess emerging market risks and give you the confidence you need to expand your business internationally. This includes helping you understand the regulatory environment as well as unique cultural, social and economic conditions when exploring new markets.
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HSBC Solutions - Banker's Guarantees

Assure customers of your business’s financial strength and ability to fulfil a project from start to finish. Conduct business with confidence by giving your suppliers peace of mind that you have the financial resources to pay them promptly and in full.
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HSBC Solutions - Payments

Gain more control over incoming and outgoing cash flows with our global payments solutions. Getting funds in sooner, and holding on to them longer, is critical for maintaining a healthy cash flow.
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Savings & capital investments solutions

Preserve capital and maintain liquidity. To support and grow your business, you need to make the most of excess balances.
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HSBC Solutions - Business Risk Management

Manage the risks of doing business. HSBC offers an array of services designed to help you manage both your internal and external exposure.
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HSBC Business Growth Solutions

Whether your growth strategy is to build on what you have or expand your business reach globally, or both, HSBC could have the right solution.
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HSBC Mid-Market Rate

We understand that if you’re trading internationally, you need to access the currency conversion rate offered for your payments and transfers.
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