As a business powered by human knowledge and expertise, salaries and expenses account for most of your outgoings. However, buyers of your services aren’t always prompt in paying your invoices. What solutions can you tap on to grow your business while financing this shortfall?

Finance Human Capital & Optimise Liquidity for Business Growth
Back to Banking for Large CorporatesYour accounts payable are primarily driven by salaries and other payments to individuals. It’s therefore critical for the continuity of your business that these are made promptly. While some services businesses receive regular income from long-term agreements and subscriptions, many others are subject to irregular revenue streams while still being obligated to make fixed payments — whether that’s to contractors, workspace providers or technology vendors.
Our solutions facilitate payments to staff and contractors, and provide you with the capital you need to hire talent, expand your services regionally and grow further.
Facilitate payments, optimise liquidity, bolster cash flow
Payments and collection
Facilitate payroll, staff expenses and supplier payments through a range of solutions, including our corporate credit cards which streamline the reconciliation process, and PayNow Corporate if suppliers are based in Singapore. Capitalise on our billing and collection services, which help you get paid on time.
Cash flow management
Access cost-effective financing solutions to bridge cash shortages caused by delays in collections. These include turning up to 90% of invoice values into cash immediately upon issuance, as well as delaying payments to suppliers while they still receive these funds promptly from us.
Liquidity management
Get greater visibility and control of your local and regional cash holdings with a range of liquidity management services, such as notional pooling and cash concentration.
Deposit Insurance Scheme
Singapore dollar deposits of non-bank depositors are insured by the Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation, for up to S$100,000 in aggregate per depositor per Scheme member by law. Foreign currency deposits, dual currency investments, structured deposits and other investment products are not insured.
Read more about our offerings for large corporates in Singapore

Digital Banking Solutions
When your business spans multiple markets, managing working capital across these and having visibility of your global or regional operations is critical. Our streamlined digital banking platform, HSBCnet, provides a centralised overview of your business finances and helps you better control your financial risk position wherever you trade.

Sustainable finance for large corporates
It takes a collective effort to achieve a cleaner future. We aim to do our part by empowering businesses to engage in sustainable practices. Our commitment includes providing financing and investment to reduce carbon-intensive activities and support the development of new energy sources.
Seeking additional large financial support?

Why bank with us
With more than 140 years of experience in Singapore serving large corporates, HSBC has the expertise and global connections to support your business’s growth plans. Our services and solutions are tailored to meet the needs of large corporates from a wide range of sectors and financial needs.

Need help?
Get in touch to learn more about our banking solutions and how we can help you drive your business forward.